The Sutherland's came to visit for a day and a half on their way to Africa. I met them at the airport and stayed the night with them at their hotel.... it was like a mini vacation.
Then we all came into Paris the next day. They were the first to see my apartment (besides Meg). It was like having my parents here, they bought me groceries, helped me carry them home, took me to lunch, and then it was already time for them to go. I was so so sad! But it was great to see them!
Bought some flowers! It was the first time I had had enough courage to buy them! Now, I have them all the time. Aren't they beautiful! I had/have no vase so they are in a water carafe that actually has quite a narrow neck.. but it works.
It was sunny! So being extremely hungover from some dinner party the night before, I bundled up in layers, layers, layers and went to the park to read.
So usually, I buy flowers on Sunday on my way home from church.
Later that night went to the grocery store and saw this beautiful moon!
Next day decided to go for a run. Key word being "decided" and not "ran." Instead I stayed home and ate ice cream.
Now it appears we're at Valentine's Day. I've been collecting all of my wine corks. Even for the number of bottles imbibed... still was not enough to complete the heart.
Then came the four weeks of no water from 8am - 4 pm. Enter washing my face with Evian.
Made some chocolate covered strawberries.
Okay so now enters where my school went crazy. They decided to shorten the length of time we had to do all of our classed but still maintain the same amount and workload. One girl in my class described it perfectly. "The best part of my day is the five minutes I have to shower. It's like my break." Basically, I have never done that much work so continously. Everyday... all day, class, work, repeat. This table was a staple in my success. Acutally, if you notice, I was sitting in that red chair so much that I finally had to start sitting on a pillow.
I also started drinking more vodka tonics.... making that vodka pasta a few weeks earlier really came in handy.
Actually, now that I think about it... the weeks of endless work actually began in January. I think here you are seeing exam studying. Also, you can see that my Christmas Tree is still "up."
Here's the table up close. Everyone was getting a little nutty.
Saturday morning I had had enough, went crazy and made myself a little American breakfast...had no idea what trend this would set! By the way, maple syrup is so so cheap here!
M&M's from Milds.... and the last Hershey kiss!
Here's a sample of the wonderful material we had the oppurtunity to study.
View from my street.
And we made it! Went to a bar called Havana after our last exam! Not a great picture of anyone! Had to keep it fair! Also, this "cuban bar" had no one Cuban item on the menu!
Somehow, even though we were done with classes and exams, we were not done with school. At a wine store for yet another project.
Made a salad.
My walk to my French School. Finished MBA classes and went right into French!
Pont Neuf!
More studying and flowers....
I think here I am doiny my business plan.
And back to drinking.
Then Anna and I concocted the world's best quesedilla's for dinner. Who ever imagined that dill could really bring Mexican food together!
Finally received the Syrian Tapestry from Meg and hung it up! So cool!
I'll let you guess what is happening in this picture!
And scene! Onto March!
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