Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Where have I been?

Wow, it's been forever since I have written anything! I have been so busy, stick spring break in the middle of that, one with no internet or tv, and then come back to school, and BAM! This is the perfect formula for Brittany is really, really busy.

But so much for my complaining.

I had an amazing awesome spring break, so many great highlights, but one big theme was.... shocker..... eating. I ate so much, and not because I have some weird glutinous obsession, but because the food was amazing this week, and as we all know, it's all about the food. So, let's talk about it.

I started my trip hitting some local hotspots.... not really, actually, this was a place that Brandon randomly chose on his phone.

Motor Supply Co Bistro
Columbia, SC

This place was amazing. I had a take on shrimp and grits. Basically, it was shrimp in a salsa verde with butter risotto...... YUM! Menus are handwritten here, and are changed everyday. The waitress was even nice enough to let us keep one.

Great, great, great..... go here! The staff was really friendly, told us what "not" to order, and even gave us a suggestions for later that day as we continued south.

Speaking of south, next stop on our train was Savannah, GA. Okay, if you have never been to Savannah, go. Go right now! This place is so fantastic! I had heard that it was pretty but i was so impressed. People are friendly, the town is so beautiful you feel like you are in a movie set, there are restaurants everywhere, and every street is covered with tress and spanish moss. It took everything I had to leave that next morning. Thank God it was raining, otherwise I would probably still be there.

In Savannah, and as poor college students, we couldn't maintain our lunch budget, so we hit up a Scottish pub that had been recommended by the bistro.

Molly MacPhersons Pub was great, (really great).

Savannah, GA

I shared the meatload with Claire, and although the waitress was exceptionally rude, she would be one of two on our trip, honestly the food was probably the best pup food I have ever had the priviledge of eating. The potato scones with raspberry sauce were to die for.

After the night in Savannah, we left..... so sad.

Finally, hours later, we hit Florida. After a sketchy stop in Lake City, which was followed by Chik-fil-A in Gainesville, we made it to Sarasota.

Sarasota adventure to come..... gotta go to class. Get excited, this part is good too!

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